
Physics on the multilayer thin films and quasicrystals



  1. T. Akamatsu, T. Ideue, S. Kitamura, M. Yoshii, T. Morimoto, Y. Iwasa, et al., A van der Waals interface that creates in-plane polarization and a spontaneous photovoltaic effect, Science, 372, 6537, pp. 68-72 (2021). link

  2. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Topological charge pumping in quasiperiodic systems characterized by Bott index, Physical Review B, 104, 155126 (2021). link,arxiv

  3. Y. Dong, M. M. Yang, M. Yoshii, Y. Iwasa, et al., Giant bulk piezophotovoltaic effect in 3R-MoS2, Nature Nanotechnology (2022). link

  4. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Gap labeling theorem for multilayer thin film heterostructures, Physical Review B, 107, 064201 (2023). link

In preparation

  1. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Efficient momentum space approach to superconductivity in quasiperiodic system, arXiv:2312.09124 (2023)


Oral presentaiton

  1. M . Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Polarization of quasi-periodic heterostructures under broken inversion symmetry, JPS Autumn Meeting 2020, online, September, 2020

  2. M . Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Charge transport in One-dimensional Fibonacci-Rice-Mele model, JPS Annual Meeting 2021, online, March, 2021

  3. M . Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Charge pumping in one dimensional quasicrystals characterized by Bott index, APS March Meeting 2021, online, March, 2021

  4. M. Yoshii, Fibonacci格子上のフラクタルな電荷輸送, 分科会, 物性若手夏の学校, online, August, 2021

  5. M. Yoshii, juliaによる二次光学応答の実装とその可視化, Julia in Physics, online, Semptember, 2021

  6. M. Yoshii, Y. Dong, S. Kitamura, S. Toyoda, Y. Nakagawa, T. Morimoto, N. Ogawa, T. Ideue, Y. Iwasa, Theory of second harmonic generation in twisted van der Waals heterostructure, JPS Autumn Meeting 2021, online, September, 2021

  7. M. Yoshii, An approach from noncommutative tori to extended Harper model, 格子上の場の理論と連続空間上の場の理論, YITP, July, 2022

  8. M . Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Gap labelling theorem for one-dimensional multilayer system, JPS Autumn Meeting 2022, Tokyo Institute of Technology, September, 2022

  9. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Gap labeling theorem for multilayer thin film heterostructures, APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas, March, 2023

  10. M. Yoshii , Gap labelling theorem in the multilayer thin films, Aperiodic Order, Evian, France, September, 2023

  11. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Efficient momentum space approach to superconductivity in quasiperiodic systems, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, March, 2024

  12. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Brillouin zone folding method for quasiperiodic multilayer systems, Aperiodic 2024, Caen, June, 2024

  13. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Topological Charge Pumping in a Quasicrystal, International Workshop on Hyperordered Structures and Quantum Materials, Saskatchewan, July, 2024 (Invited)

Poster presentation

  1. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Topological Charge Pumping in a Quasicrystal, LT29, Sapporo, 2022

  2. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Gap labeling theorem for multilayer thin film heterostructures, NQS2022, YITP, 2022

  3. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Topological Charge Pumping in a Quasicrystal, 計算物理春の学校, Okinawa, 2023

  4. M. Yoshii, Implementation of ModInt.jl, 数学と物理におけるJuliaの活用, Institute of Mathematics for Industry, 2023

  5. M. Yoshii, S. Kitamura, T. Morimoto, Brillouin zone folding method for quasiperiodic multilayer systems, New Perspectives in Spintronics and Quantum Transport, Kanazawa, 2024


  1. Topological phenomena in quasiperiodic systems, YITP, 12th, October, 2021

  2. Gap labelling theorem in the multilayer thin films, TITECH , 12th, October, 2022

  3. Optical response in the multilayer thin films, TUS, 12th, January, 2023

  4. Optical response in the multilayer thin films, KAIST, 17th, May, 2023

  5. Optical response in the multilayer thin films, SNU, 24th, May, 2023


  1. Excellence Award, FoPM Qualifying Examination, 25th, February ,2022

  2. TSAI An-pang award (Student award), 27th Quasicrystals meeting, 1st, March, 2023